Seeking a sleep apnea cure is extremely important to remain in optimal health, as well as to avoid a fatal symptom of the condition such as a heart attack or stroke. Find out how to diagnose sleep apnea and information about an ideal treatment that controls sleep apnea comfortably and effectively.
Monday, September 6, 2010
5 Steps on How to Stop Sleep Apnea
What are the Secrets of Success on How to Stop Snoring?
What makes a snoring remedy effective? Find out why so many snoring remedies have a poor success rate. Discover the most proven and effective way to stop snoring that is comfortable and easy to use for the long-term.
Snore Pillow vs. Snoring Cure-The Truth About a Snore Pillow
Snoring pillows come in many different designs that aid in the reduction of snoring, but it is important to know the facts about just how effective a snore pillow is in providing ultimate snore relief. Find out what should be combined with a snoring pillow to be the most effective snoring remedy.
Unsure of Apnea? 10 Warning Signs of Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Many people think of snoring as annoying, with little thought about the root cause or what it could signify, especially when snoring and sleep apnea are coupled together. The truth is, snoring could be accompanying a very serious condition of sleep apnea that can put you at risk for a heart attach or stroke. Find out what warning signs you should be looking for so that you can pursue the most effective treatment.
What Are the Most Effective Snoring Products?
If you are like 50% of snorers these days, sleep apnea may also be affecting your snoring habits, which should also be targeted through your snoring remedies. Find out which snoring product is the most proven and effective for both snoring and sleep apnea.
How to Get the Best Results With a Stop Snoring Mouthpiece
Find out the 3 keys to ensure that you get the best results when using a stop snoring mouthpiece. Learn why a customized adjustable snoring mouthpiece is more effective than a one-size-fits-all snoring device.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Stop Snoring the First Night With This Stop Snoring Solution
Discusses the advantages/disadvantages of different stop snoring solutions, from home remedies to CPAP. Explains why a snoring mouthpiece that incrementally move the lower jaw forward is the best stop snoring solution option and why it has the best success to stop snoring the first night you use it.
Top 4 Tips to Stop Snoring Immediately
Although there are 4 basic ways to stop snoring, 3 of the 4 choices have certain disadvantages that can result in complications or poor success rates. Find out the best way to comfortably stop snoring immediately and for the long term.
Friday, September 3, 2010
How to Choose the Best Snoring Remedy
Finding a snoring remedy that completely eliminates snoring can be a difficult process with lots of trial and error. Save time and money by learning the keys to selecting the best snoring remedy.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Most Effective Solution for Loud Snoring & Sleep Apnea
When searching for the best snoring solution, there are 3 factors that are critical to having a successful result, especially when trying to eliminate loud snoring or sleep apnea. A lot of snorers are not aware that there is a truly effective snoring cure that provides a top quality, highly advanced, and very comfortable method to ensure not only no snoring but also will stop apnea. Find out which type of anti snoring device is best.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
A Review of Anti Snoring Mouthpieces Made of the Safest Materials
A Review of Anti Snoring Mouthpieces Made of the Safest Materials
Anti snoring mouthpieces found online are made with either thermoplastic materials or non-moldable plastics.
The majority of mouthpieces made with thermoplastic materials (such as PureSleep, Ripsnore and Snoremate to name a few) are designed so that the trays are filled with a thermoplastic material. After this material is heated and molded, it takes an impression of the teeth and locks around each individual tooth. This can create a lot of force on the teeth and be more difficult to trim and adjust to fit any size mouth.
Unlike most other anti snoring mouthpieces on the market, the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution snoring devices are not filled with a thermoplastic material. The mouthpieces consist of trays with only the outer walls being made with a thermoplastic material. By eliminating the thermoplastic filling inside the trays this prevents the material from locking around an individual tooth, which eliminates the possibility of tooth movement or a change in bite. With only the outer walls of the mouthpiece being made of a thermoplastic material, the mouthpiece can be molded to fit tightly and are easier to trim to fit any size mouth.
Snoring mouthpieces found online that are made of non-moldable plastic (such as Z-Quiet and Snoremenders) are not adjustable and tend to be less comfortable to wear since the plastic cannot be adapted or molded to fit the teeth or made to fit different size mouths. Also, since the plastic is non-moldable, a tight fit is not possible, making it difficult to keep the mouthpiece in place throughout the night.
For your safety, anti snoring mouthpieces should be made from FDA approved materials. Many of the snoring mouthpieces that you can order online are made outside the USA and may or may not be made with FDA approved materials. The Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution mouthpieces are made in the USA with FDA approved materials.
To order the most effective anti snoring remedy click here.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Will a Snoring Mouthpiece Make My Teeth Move or Change My Bite?
Will a Snoring Mouthpiece Make my Teeth Move or Change my Bite?
Depending on how an anti snoring mouthpiece is constructed, it may create tooth movement or change your bite. If an anti snoring mouthpiece uses trays that are filled with a thermoplastic material, such as PureSleep, Ripsnore or Snoremate, there is a greater chance that teeth could be moved or that it could change your bite. The majority of mouthpieces found online are made with trays that are filled with a thermoplastic material. After this material is heated and molded to the teeth it takes an impression of the teeth and locks around the teeth. This can create a lot of force on your teeth that could result in tooth movement and ultimately a change in bite.
Unlike most other anti snoring mouthpieces on the market, the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution snoring devices are not filled with a thermoplastic material. The mouthpieces consist of trays that are made with a thermoplastic material that allows molding to only the outside of the teeth. By eliminating the thermoplastic filling inside the trays this prevents the material from locking around your teeth, which eliminates the possibility of tooth movement or a change in bite. This design also results in a more comfortable fit and at the same time achieves a very high success rate.
To order the most effective anti snoring remedy click here.
Monday, July 19, 2010
When to Choose an Anti Snoring Device Instead of Snoring Surgery
When to Choose an Anti Snoring Device Instead of Snoring Surgery
Most stop snoring surgeries involve removal of part of the palate, uvula and tonsils. These procedures can result in healing times of one to two months, accompanied by a lot of pain and discomfort. Just ask any adult who has had a tonsillectomy—they will tell you it is far more traumatic than what would be experienced by an adolescent.
That being said, there are some surgeries that are less traumatic for adults. If you have a severely deviated septum or soft tissue obstruction in the nasal passages then surgery can usually help. Septoplasty surgery can restore normal nasal breathing and eliminate the dry mouth associated with nasal snoring and mouth breathing.
Surgery success rates for procedures that are promoted to stop snoring usually range between 50 to 70%. Although some individuals who have gone through a surgical procedure to stop snoring find the results didn’t diminish over time, many have reported that although initially they benefited from the surgery, a year or two later they were right back where they started.
Since surgery is non-reversible it should always be reserved as a last resort after you have exhausted all other options. One of the safest and most effective options to surgery is an anti snoring mouthpiece or snore guard such as the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution. The snoring devices that come with the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution move the lower jaw forward during sleep and open the airway to prevent snoring without the complications or problems associated with surgery.
To order the most effective anti snoring remedy click here.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Snoring Women vs. Snoring Men and Best Stop Snoring Remedies
Snoring Women vs. Snoring Men and Best Stop Snoring Remedies
When you look at statistics, there are less snoring women in the world than snoring men. Part of this difference relates to the fact that men have larger neck sizes than women and when men gain weight they tend to develop more fat deposits in the neck.
One of the main causes of snoring is upper airway resistance syndrome. This occurs when the airway is semi-obstructed and is very common in young women. It is often accompanied by headaches, gastroesophageal reflux (commonly referred to as acid reflux), and asthma.
All women who are pregnant are at risk in developing nasal swelling that can cause snoring and sleep apnea. In fact over 30% of all pregnant women snore. Even the slightest airway resistance results in the mother’s lack of oxygen at night and adversely affects the fetus’ growth. A study that was published in one of the leading sleep journals, Chest, showed that women who snore habitually deliver developmentally-retarded babies 7% of the time. Even women who snore occasionally deliver developmentally-retarded babies 2 to 3% of the time.
Women who are pregnant must be careful not to use some snoring remedies such as certain nasal sprays that may have an adverse effect on the fetus. The safest and most effective anti-snoring remedy for pregnant women is an anti snoring mouthpiece.
Another area of concern is for post-menopausal women. They are 2 to 4 times more likely to snore and have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can lead to high blood pressure and make you more at risk for a stroke or heart attack.
The Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution is one of the best solutions found online to help snoring women who not only snore but who also may have sleep apnea.
To order the most effective anti snoring remedy click here.
Where to Find an Anti Snoring Mouthpiece to Fit a Small Mouth
The Best Snoring Mouthpiece for a Small Mouth
Almost all of the anti snoring mouthpieces available online are a one-size-fits-all device and are difficult to adapt to a small mouth. This is because the upper and lower trays used in this type of snoring mouthpiece are either filled with a thermoplastic material (e.g., PureSleep. Ripsnore, Snoremate) or made from a non-moldable plastic (e.g., zQuiet, Snoremenders).
After the trays that are filled with a thermoplastic material (PureSleep, Ripsnore, Snoremate) are heated and molded, it takes an impression of the teeth and locks around the teeth. Because of the bulk of material used in this type of mouthpiece, it is almost impossible to trim.
If the trays are made from a non-moldable plastic (zQuiet, Snoremenders) then the plastic could possibly be trimmed but cannot be molded to fit a small mouth. This makes it very difficult to comfortably fit most small mouths.
There is an unique design available online, the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution, that can be easily trimmed and molded to fit any size mouth, including very small mouths. With the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution anti snoring mouthpiece, the upper and lower trays are moldable but not filled with a thermoplastic material. This makes the trays easy to trim either before or after the molding process.
If the mouthpiece seems too large for your mouth or causes a gag reflex, then the height and possibly the length of the mouthpiece can be shortened so that it does not contact any soft tissue in the mouth. After trimming the mouthpieces they can be reheated and the entire process repeated several times if necessary, making the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution adaptable to any size mouth.
To order the most effective anti snoring click here.
Friday, July 16, 2010
How to Find the Best Anti Snoring Mouthpiece for a TMJ Problem
How to Find the Best Anti Snoring Mouthpiece
for a TMJ Problem
Depending on the design of the anti snoring mouthpiece, some work better than others if you have a TMJ problem. Snoring devices that move the lower jaw forward in small increments work the best with TMJ problems. Forward positioning of the lower jaw actually helps relieve a TMJ dysfunction, but only if it is done in small increments.
Unfortunately almost all snoring mouthpieces available online are a one-size-fits-all solution that moves your jaw forward to a preset position that is not adjustable and may aggravate your TMJ. In addition, to keep your TMJ comfortable at night, the mouthpiece should allow lateral movement, a feature not found in any of the one-size-fits-all devices.
Lateral movement lets the lower jaw move side to side. Most people that suffer from TMJ tend to grind their teeth in their sleep and if an anti snoring mouthpiece locks their jaw in a rigid position then they will wake up with pain from not allowing their jaw to move at night.
The only anti snoring mouthpiece available online that is customized both for your bite and for a TMJ problem is the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution. The anti snoring mouthpieces that come with the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution allow you to move your lower jaw forward in small increments so that you do not advance the jaw too far forward too quickly. Plus the devices in the set allow for lateral movement so that you wake up comfortable and well rested.
Some patients who have suffered with a severe TMJ disorder prior to using an anti-snoring device, have worn a TMJ oral appliance both day and night to relieve their symptoms. Once they started using an anti-snoring device at night, they continued to wear their TMJ oral appliance during the daytime to keep their TMJ comfortable. This approach may be helpful if you surfer from TMJ discomfort both day and night.
To order the most effective anti snoring remedy click here.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Tips on Wearing an Anti Snoring Mouthpiece with an Underbite
Tips on Wearing an Anti Snoring Mouthpiece with an Underbite
The majority of anti snoring mouthpieces ordered online are a one-size-fits-all type of device which is set up for a normal overbite. If you have an underbite then these types of devices will not have your lower jaw positioned far enough forward to be effective. This incorrect position will not move the tongue forward enough to open the airway and stop your snoring or sleep apnea.
The Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution is the only anti snoring mouthpiece available online that is customized for an underbite. It is classified as an adjustable mandibular advancement device, which means that it is customized for your underbite by setting the lower mouthpiece forward in 3 different positions. The 3 devices in the set incrementally move your lower jaw forward, which in turn moves your tongue forward and away from the back of the palate, the uvula and the back wall of the airway to stop snoring.
Everyone's anatomy is different so this approach allows you to find the device that best prevents the tongue from collapsing backward during sleep and keeps the airway open, eliminating the snoring and/or sleep apnea.
To order the most effective anti snoring remedy click here.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tips on Wearing a Snoring Mouthpiece with a Severe Overbite
Tips on Wearing a Snoring Mouthpiece with a Severe Overbite
The majority of anti snoring mouthpieces ordered online are a one-size-fits-all type of device which are set up for a normal overbite. If you have a severe overbite then these types of devices will have your lower jaw positioned too far forward. This incorrect position overstretches the tissues in the back of the airway and not only makes the device ineffective for snoring and sleep apnea, but also makes it uncomfortable to wear if you have a severe overbite.
The Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution is the only snore mouthpiece available online that is customized for a severe overbite. It is classified as an adjustable mandibular advancement device which means that it is customized for your severe overbite by setting the lower mouthpiece forward in 3 different positions. The 3 snoring devices in the set incrementally move your lower jaw forward, which in turn moves your tongue forward and away from the back of the palate, the uvula and the back wall of the airway to stop snoring.
Everyone's anatomy is different so this approach allows you to find the device that best prevents the tongue from collapsing backward during sleep, and keeps the airway open, eliminating the snoring and/or sleep apnea.
For more information on the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution click here.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Wearing an Anti Snoring Mouthpiece over Crowns or Braces
Wearing an Anti Snoring Mouthpiece over Crowns or Braces
Depending on how an anti snoring mouthpiece is constructed, it may or may not work well if used over crowns or dental implants. The majority of anti snoring mouthpieces found online, such as PureSleep, RipSnore and Snoremate use trays that are filled with a thermoplastic material. After this material is heated and molded to the teeth it takes an impression of the teeth and locks around the teeth. This can create a lot of force on an individual tooth each time the device is removed from the mouth. If a crown or dental implant is not secured well or is fragile, it could be removed or damaged when this type of snoring mouthpiece is removed.
Unlike most other anti snoring mouthpieces on the market, the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution devices are not filled with a thermoplastic material. The snoring devices in the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution consist of trays that are made with a thermoplastic material that allows molding to the outside of the teeth. By eliminating the thermoplastic filling inside the trays this prevents the material from locking around your teeth, consequently eliminating the possibility of loosening or damaging crowns or teeth. This design also makes for a much more comfortable fit by not locking around the teeth.
Anti snoring mouthpieces that are not filled with a thermoplastic material such as the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution can work with Invisalign orthodontic trays. If orthodontic treatment involves conventional braces that use brackets and wires attached to the teeth, then an anti snoring mouthpiece should not be used.
For more information on the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution click here.
To order the most effective anti snoring remedy click here.
How to Wear a Snoring Mouthpiece with Dentures or Partials
How to Wear a Snoring Mouthpiece with Dentures or Partials
Snoring devices can work with missing teeth, removable partials or dentures depending on the design and materials used in the anti snoring device.
If missing teeth are not replaced by a bridge, partial or denture, anti snoring devices made from thermoplastic materials, such as the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution, work well is there are at least 10 teeth on the upper and 10 teeth on the lower. If a snoring mouthpiece is made from non-thermoplastic materials, such as zQuiet or Snoremenders, then the mouthpiece cannot be adapted to areas where the teeth are missing.
When it comes to using an anti snoring device with dentures or removable partials some snoring devices work better than others. With dentures the best combination is an upper denture opposing lower natural teeth. When you use an anti snoring device the lower jaw is moved forward which creates some force against the lower front teeth. With lower natural teeth, depending on how forward your lower jaw needs to be positioned to stop the snoring, this force ranges from not being detectable to feeling a slight amount of pressure against the front of the lower teeth.
If you have an upper denture and a lower removable partial, the anti snoring device would function the same as if you had all of your lower natural teeth. The challenge comes when you have full upper and lower dentures.
The Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution is one of the few anti snoring mouthpieces that can work with full upper and lower dentures. The dentures must have very good retention, i.e., upper and lower ridges with adequate height to prevent the dentures from slipping forward or backward. You would need to wear the dentures at night with a denture adhesive to ensure that they stay in place while wearing the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution mouthpiece.
If your lower ridge is flat, then in order for the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution to work you would also need to wear a chin strap to secure your lower denture.
An upper removable partial in combination with either lower natural teeth or a lower partial does not pose any problems when using an anti snoring mouthpiece.
If you have an upper removable partial opposing a full lower denture then the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution would work the same as described above—it would require using a denture adhesive and possibly a chin strap to secure the lower denture.
To order the most effective anti snoring remedy for dentures, partials and missing teeth click here.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Can I Use an Anti Snoring Mouthpiece as a CPAP Alternative?
Unfortunately less than half of all CPAP users can tolerate this option to control their sleep apnea. If you are currently struggling to use CPAP then a mouthpiece that moves your lower jaw and tongue forward to open the airway may be a solution.
For more information on sleep apnea and the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution click here.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The Truth about Home Snoring Remedies
It is difficult to find a clinical study for most home remedies for snoring. From herbal snoring remedies to stop snoring exercises, you will find hundreds of different opinions, some good and some not so good. But this isn't to say that some home snoring remedies are not worth trying.
In this article we will mainly discuss behavioral therapies since these have the best known record of helping reduce snoring. Notice I said “reduce” as almost all home snoring remedies by themselves are not a cure for snoring, but an aid to reduce snoring.
So here’s the list:
1.) Develop a consistent sleep pattern. Sleep deprivation is known to cause heavy snoring. So go to bed at a reasonable hour and try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
2.) Avoid the use of sleeping pills. If you do suffer from insomnia, melatonin is a helpful natural supplement.
3.) Avoid antihistamines at night. During allergy season sleep with windows closed and invest in an air purifier to decrease irritants.
4.) During the winter use a humidifier in your bedroom. Dry air can lead to nasal problems which contributes to snoring.
5.) Limit eating before bedtime. Try not to eat a heavy meal within an hour of bedtime and avoid snacks that take a long time to digest.
6.) Avoid dairy products before bedtime. Dairy products can contribute to a mucous build up that leads to snoring.
7.) Quit smoking. Mucous is secreted in the throat and lungs of a smoker that aggravates snoring.
8.) Do not consume alcoholic beverages within three hours of bedtime. Alcohol over-relaxes the throat muscles and causes snoring.
9.) Being overweight is a main cause of snoring. Neck size increases with being overweight. Also a neck size of 17” or more for males and 16” or more for females can put you at high risk for developing sleep apnea. A weight loss program combined with 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day can have a tremendous effect in reducing and even eliminating snoring.
10.) Elevate the head of the bed.
Use a positional sleeping device to eliminate back sleeping. An inexpensive way to make a positional sleeping device is to place several tennis balls in a tube sock and sew it to the back of a tee shirt. This will definitely keep you off of your back while sleeping. Positional sleeping devices found online however, are a more comfortable option.
12.) Try using a snore pillow or sleep apnea pillow.
Sometimes combining several home remedies if the most effective approach. Usually most snorers also need the help of anti snoring mouthpiece like the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution to eliminate the major cause of snoring, the tongue relaxing against the palate and back wall of the airway.
For more information on home snoring remedies click here.
To order the most effective anti snoring remedy click here.
How does an Apnea Mouth Guard Differ from a Snoring Mouthpiece?
It is estimated that more than 50% of those who try CPAP either cannot tolerate it or quit using it in less than 12 months. If they are referred to a dentist for a sleep apnea appliance (apnea mouthpiece), often treatment is not initiated due to the high cost and low insurance reimbursement rates.
Another option available is a specialized type of anti snoring device. But only a couple of the snoring devices available online can function as an apnea mouthpiece.
A mouth guard that helps control or stop sleep apnea basically functions the same as an anti snoring mouthpiece. Both move your lower jaw and tongue forward, which is also referred to as mandibular advancement. By moving your tongue forward and away from the soft palate and back wall of the airway, the airway opens and becomes unblocked.
Mouthpieces used to control sleep apnea move the lower jaw forward in small increments. This is important as it allows you to find the optimal position where the airway has the most opening. Anti snoring mouthpieces that are lab fabricated by dentists function the same way and have an excellent success rate.
However, most anti snoring mouthpieces that you can buy online are a one-size-fits-all type device and are not adjustable for jaw and tongue position. These devices only place your lower jaw forward in one position and have lower success rates for stopping snoring. Usually they are set to move your lower jaw forward about 50% of your maximum forward position. This position only completely stops snoring for about 35-40% of the people who use it. Consequently, not being adjustable, these devices could not be used to treat sleep apnea.
There are two exceptions when searching for anti snoring devices online. Both of these products, the Somnoguard AP and the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution move the lower jaw forward in small increments similar to a sleep apnea mouth guard or a lab fabricated snoring mouthpiece. The Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution however, is less than half the cost of the Somnoguard AP, plus it is made in the USA.
Click here for additional information on this topic.
Friday, July 9, 2010
How Effective is an Anti Snoring Pillow as a Snoring Solution?
How effective is a snore pillow or sleep apnea pillow as a snoring solution?
Probably one of the most advertised products to stop snoring is a snore pillow or sleep apnea pillow. Both of these types of pillows can be of benefit but may not be the entire solution to your snoring problem. In addition, an anti snore pillow or a sleep apnea pillow can be costly and may contain products that the snorer may be allergic to.
Looking at several of the more popular designs you can see that these pillows are made so that they provide support under the neck and help prevent the lower jaw from dropping down toward your chest while sleeping on your back. Even though this helps somewhat, the lower jaw still has the ability to relax and fall back during sleep, allowing your tongue to fall against the soft palate and back wall of the airway during sleep. Depending on your anatomy and how much muscle tone is present (remember your muscles lose muscle tone as we pass the age of 35-40) these pillows may or may not be of much benefit. Also, we never stay in the same position during the night. Tossing and turning during sleep could result in your head not staying in an optimal position on the pillow for it to be effective.
Usually these pillows are the most effective when used with an anti snoring mouthpiece so that the lower jaw and tongue remain in the most optimal position to stop your snoring no matter how much you change sleeping positions during the night.
To order the most effective anti snoring remedy click here.
How Effective are Snoring Strips or a Snoring Spray?
How effective is a snoring spray or snoring nasal strips?
Nasal sprays mainly work as a snoring remedy for those who suffer from nasal blockage. If your snoring is caused by problems with the uvula or soft palate (as most snoring problems are), nasal sprays will have no effect at all. Instead of being snoring remedies, nasal sprays are more helpful when it comes to nasal congestion, allergies, sinus infections, runny noses, and general stuffiness. Sometimes these problems can increase the severity of snoring but are usually not the main cause of snoring.
Nose sprays are broken into 5 main categories - antihistamine sprays (e.g., Astelin), corticosteroid nasal sprays (e.g., Flonase), decongestant sprays (e.g.,Afrin), cromolyn sodium nasal sprays (e.g., NasalCrom), and saline nasal sprays (e.g., Breathe Right Spray).
The antihistamine nasal sprays are by prescription only and work
best for those with dust and pollen allergies. They can leave a bad
taste in your mouth.
The corticosteroid nasal sprays like Flonase target congestion,
inflammation and swelling in your sinuses and have an
anti-inflammatory effect. If they are used to often, you may
experience nose bleeds, nasal burning and overall irritation in
your nasal cavaties.
Decongestant nose sprays are sold over the counter (OTC) and help
reduce congestion and stuffiness.
The cromolyn sodium nasal sprays are also OTC and treat itchy,
watery, runny noses but can't stop stuffiness.
Some nasal sprays (e.g., SnoreStop Nasal Spray) are a combination
of several of the above ingredients and may be beneficial if you
have more than one factor contributing to your nasal problem.
Perhaps the best nasal sprays to help with nose snoring are saline nasal sprays. They are the safest of the bunch and are a great preventive measure if you have nasal snoring problems. Saline sprays also keep mucous from building up in your nasal passages and keep the nose moist.
Nasal strips work by opening the nasal passageway, making it easier for people with congestion, allergies or a deviated septum to sleep without disturbing others. Most people like them because they are drug-free anti snoring devices that can be purchased at any drug store.
Unfortunately, nasal strips like nasal sprays only work as a snoring remedy for those who suffer from nasal blockage. If your snoring is caused by problems with the tongue falling back against the uvula or soft palate (as most snoring problems are), nasal strips will have no effect at all.
If you are one of the few people whose snoring is caused by problems in the nasal passage, these anti snoring devices must be used indefinitely to result in a peaceful night’s sleep. With 28 of these strips costing approximately $14, a year’s supply costs at least $182.
Even if you meet all of the criteria needed to properly use nasal strips (nasal-based snoring, no latex allergies), you must place them in exactly the right location on your nose. This can be a very time consuming process that results many wasted nasal strips.
For more information on nasal strips and when they would and would not be of benefit click here.
To order the most effective anti snoring remedy click here.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
How Effective is a Snoring Chin Strap to Stop Snoring?
“How effective is a snoring chin strap to stop snoring?”
One of the most successful clinically proven methods of opening the airway involves forward positioning of the lower jaw. By moving the lower jaw forward, the tongue (which is attached to the lower jaw) also moves forward.
Jaw supporters actually do the opposite of what is needed to keep the airway open. In this illustration, note the angle that these devices must be placed in order to stay in place. As you can see, they pull the jaw back, which in turn pushes the tongue back towards the palate and the back wall of the airway.
At best, by keeping the jaw in a closed position, jaw supporters will help muffle the snoring noise. But this can result in a dangerous consequence—as the tongue is pushed back against the back wall of the airway, the tendency for sleep apnea increases. So a partial relief of the snoring causes a more serious problem.
Over 25% of the people that snore have sleep apnea, but only 2% of females and 4% of males have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. Consequently, a lot of sleep apnea goes untreated.
So if you snore, it is very possible that you have sleep apnea too. Unfortunately, wearing a jaw supporter can actually increase your chances of having sleep apnea.
Advertising for these devices leads you to believe that jaw supporters decrease apnea, but in almost all cases there is still a dangerous level of apnea present with wearing these devices. The studies show that oxygen saturation still remains below 90% and apneas are barely decreased (and in some cases actually increased) with these devices.
For more information on chin straps and when they would be of benefit click here.
To order the most effective anti snoring remedy click here.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
How to Avoid Buying a Snoring Mouthpiece that Doesn't Work
Avoid buying a snoring mouthpiece that doesn't work. Learn why snoring mouthpieces customized for your bite, breathing habits and jaw function work best.
It’s interesting that all of the one-size-fits-all snoring mouthpieces on the market assume that everyone has the same bite. Unfortunately most people do not have what I refer to as a text book normal overbite like you would see if you just completed orthodontic treatment. A large portion of snorers have more of an overbite where the upper front teeth are several millimeters in front of the lower front teeth. Often we see snorers with even a more severe overbite, where the upper front teeth are in front of the lower front teeth by as much as a quarter to three-eights of an inch. This really contributes to the snoring problem. With such a receded lower jaw, the tongue is already in a position to block the airway and cause snoring and sleep apnea. We also see a few people with an underbite who snore and have sleep apnea. So with all these different types of bites, it makes sense that a mouthpiece should be customized for your particular bite to be successful in stopping your snoring or sleep apnea.
There are two other factors that are important to a high success rate in stopping your snoring or sleep apnea. The snoring or apnea mouthpiece should accommodate your breathing habits as well as your jaw joint function. Mouthpieces should be customized for either a mouth breather or a nasal breather so that you can breathe freely when sleeping, and at the same time lessen the chance of having a dry mouth if you are a nasal breather.
To prevent jaw joint problems or TMJ dysfunction, the mouthpiece should allow lateral movement when sleeping. This is also important if you tend to grind your teeth in your sleep. Allowing for lateral movement will ensure that you wake up in the morning with relaxed jaw muscles and jaw joints. The Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution is the only mouthpiece set on the market that is customized for your particular bite, your breathing habits and possible TMJ dysfunction or nighttime grinding habits.
Click here to compare and find the best stop snoring mouthpiece.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
How to find the Most Comfortable Snoring Mouthpiece
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Tips on How to Find the Most Effective Anti Snoring Mouthpiece
Friday, July 2, 2010
Tips on How to Find the Best Snoring Mouthpiece
With the goal of developing an anti snoring mouthpiece as affordable as the one-size-fits-all-devices found online, but that would work as well as the adjustable lab fabricated devices that dentists typically charge anywhere from $500 to several thousand dollars for, the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution was invented. From the questions our company receives about anti snoring mouthpieces and other stop snoring remedies on the market, this series of articles was compiled about what you must know before choosing an anti-snoring remedy.
The information in these articles will save you time and money as well as eliminate the frustration of trying a lot of snoring remedies that don't work. One of the questions we hear a lot is, "How do I know your product is going to work for me and how is it better than the other things I've tried?"
There are several things that make an snoring mouthpiece better than most other snoring remedies but more importantly, there are a few things you need to know about selecting an anti snoring device so that you will end up finding the one that will work best for you.
The reason anti snoring mouthpieces can be so effective is that they move the tongue, which is the main culprit of snoring, away from the palate, uvula and back wall of the airway. And as the tongue contacts these tissues it blocks the airflow and the palate and uvula start to vibrate, causing the noise we refer to as snoring. Anti snoring mouthpieces work by moving the lower jaw forward which brings the tongue forward and prevents the blockage of airflow that causes snoring. A lot of snoring remedies on the market do not address the main cause of snoring, so you want to be sure to take care of moving the tongue out of the way first.
But finding an anti snoring mouthpiece that will do the best job for you can be hit and miss, unless you know what goes into making a mouthpiece the most effective and comfortable to wear. Additionally, if something is uncomfortable to wear, you are not going to continue to use it no matter how effective it is, or what price you paid.
The next three articles in this series will go into detail on what to look for to make sure a snoring mouthpiece is comfortable, and what can make it work better, and be more effective than almost all the others on the market.
Additional information on this topic can be found at:
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Snoring Surgery vs. Snoring Mouthpiece
Considering snoring surgery? Find out when surgery is indicated, the success rates and possible complications. Includes info on finding a non-invasive alternative.
The Best Anti Snoring Device for Snoring Women
Find out the best anti snoring device for snoring women. Learn about complications that occur with pregnancy snoring and post-menopausal snoring.
The Best Material to Use in Snoring Mouthpieces
Find out the best material to use in snoring mouthpieces for comfort, adjustability, fit and retention. Compares anti snoring mouthpieces on the market and provides a link for the snoring mouthpiece that has the best comfort, adjustability, fit and retention.
Will an Anti Snoring Mouthpiece Change my Bite?
The design of an anti snoring mouthpiece is critical in preventing tooth movement or a change in bite. Find out which anti snoring mouthpiece works best without creating complications.
The Best Anti Snoring Device to Use with TMJ Problems
Finding the best anti snoring device to use with TMJ problems. Learn why one-size-fits-all snoring devices are not recommended for TMJ dysfunction.
Tips on Using a Snore Mouthpiece for a Severe Overbite
Tips on using a customized anti snoring mouthpiece for a severe overbite. Find out why one-size-fits-all snoring devices are not effective for a severe overbite.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Effectively Using Snoring Devices as CPAP Alternatives
Finding the Best Snoring Mouthpiece to Use with Braces
Find out which snoring mouthpiece works the best with orthodontic appliances, crowns and implants. Learn what type of mouthpiece design and material to avoid.
Using an Anti Snoring Device with Missing Teeth
Find out which anti snoring device works best with missing teeth, dentures and removable partials. Reviews the requirements necessary for full dentures.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Using an Anti Snoring Device as a Sleep Apnea Mouthpiece
Home Snoring Remedies Proven to Work the Best
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
When Will a Snoring Spray or Snoring Strips Stop Snoring?
What you should know before using an anti snore pillow--why they are more effective in controlling snoring and/or sleep apnea when used with a snoring mouthpiece.
What You Should Know Before Using an Anti Snore Pillow
What you should know before using an anti snore pillow--why they are more effective in controlling snoring and/or sleep apnea when used with a snoring mouthpiece.