Friday, July 9, 2010

How Effective is an Anti Snoring Pillow as a Snoring Solution?

How effective is a snore pillow or sleep apnea pillow as a snoring solution?

Probably one of the most advertised products to stop snoring is a snore pillow or sleep apnea pillow.  Both of these types of pillows can be of benefit but may not be the entire solution to your snoring problem.  In addition, an anti snore pillow or a sleep apnea pillow can be costly and may contain products that the snorer may be allergic to. 

Looking at several of the more popular designs you can see that these pillows are made so that they provide support under the neck and help prevent the lower jaw from dropping down toward your chest while sleeping on your back.  Even though this helps somewhat, the lower jaw still has the ability to relax and fall back during sleep, allowing your tongue to fall against the soft palate and back wall of the airway during sleep.  Depending on your anatomy and how much muscle tone is present (remember your muscles lose muscle tone as we pass the age of 35-40) these pillows may or may not be of much benefit.  Also, we never stay in the same position during the night.  Tossing and turning during sleep could result in your head not staying in an optimal position on the pillow for it to be effective.

Usually these pillows are the most effective when used with an anti snoring mouthpiece so that the lower jaw and tongue remain in the most optimal position to stop your snoring no matter how much you change sleeping positions during the night.

To order the most effective anti snoring remedy click here.

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