Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Will a Snoring Mouthpiece Make My Teeth Move or Change My Bite?


Will a Snoring Mouthpiece Make my Teeth Move or Change my Bite?


Depending on how an anti snoring mouthpiece is constructed, it may create tooth movement or change your bite.  If an anti snoring mouthpiece uses trays that are filled with a thermoplastic material, such as PureSleep, Ripsnore or Snoremate, there is a greater chance that teeth could be moved or that it could change your bite.  The majority of mouthpieces found online are made with trays that are filled with a thermoplastic material.  After this material is heated and molded to the teeth it takes an impression of the teeth and locks around the teeth.  This can create a lot of force on your teeth that could result in tooth movement and ultimately a change in bite.

Unlike most other anti snoring mouthpieces on the market, the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution snoring devices are not filled with a thermoplastic material.  The mouthpieces consist of trays that are made with a thermoplastic material that allows molding to only the outside of the teeth.   By eliminating the thermoplastic filling inside the trays this prevents the material from locking around your teeth, which eliminates the possibility of tooth movement or a change in bite.  This design also results in a more comfortable fit and at the same time achieves a very high success rate.

To order the most effective anti snoring remedy click here.

1 comment:

  1. These snoring preceding death in these cases almost invariably involve individuals impaired by alcohol and drugs. The snoring is due to the fact that their airway is way too relaxed and they are not getting enough air (oxygen). Do not allow them to continue to lie there and snore. They are going to die. Chances are that they are not “going to sleep it off”.
